20180625 - Day 3 - Juneau1.jpg
20180625 - Day 3 - Juneau1.jpg


Martin Straeche




Martin Straeche


20180625 - Day 3 - Juneau12.jpg

My personal website. A place to explore a mix of my interests. Currently working as a Financial Planning & Analysis Specialist, I get to explore time-series forecasting with ETS and ARIMA models, working with large data sets, SQL, and smatterings of statistical analyses. Somehow these things still keep me interested outside the office.

I'll be using the blog to post some of projects I'm working on. Along with any project that I post, I'll include all the code and data that was used. The last couple of years I've spent a lot of time increasing my education, pushing to receive my MicroMasters certification through MITx in Supply Chain Management.

On the side, I've done a lot of photography. This has ranged from landscapes while on vacation, corporate head-shots for co-workers, to food shots from the delicious treats that my wife loves to bake.

Highlighted Content

Highlighted Content

Had an amazing Alaska cruise.

Photo Album

Tutorial for creating maps with graphical overlays through the use of R.